Biblioteca Urbinate Carlo e Marise Bo
Tavoli Passepartout e sedie Busy arredano gli spazi esterni della biblioteca urbinate.
Un luogo dal fascino antico quello che accoglie le nostre sedie Busy e i tavoli Passepartout, che vestono di bianco questo chiostro della biblioteca universitaria per la letteratura europea e contemporanea di Urbino.
Nel 2004 la fondazione Carlo e Marise Bo ha aperto agli studenti le porte della biblioteca, che contiene 89.000 volumi e 10.000 fascicoli raccolti e donati da Carlo Bo, critico letterario e politico italiano, nella sua lunga vita.
Un onore poter fornire gli spazi piĂą adatti per godere delle letture all’aperto.
Urbino Library Carlo and Marise Bo
Passepartout tables and Busy chairs furnish the outdoor spaces of the Urbino library.
A place with ancient charm that hosts our Busy chairs and Passepartout tables, which dress this cloister of the university library for European and contemporary literature of Urbino in white.
In 2004 the Carlo and Marise Bo foundation opened the doors of the library to students, which contains 89,000 volumes and 10,000 files collected and donated by Carlo Bo, an Italian literary and political critic, over his long life.
An honor to be able to provide the most suitable spaces to enjoy outdoor reading.
Urbino Library Carlo and Marise Bo
Passepartout tables and Busy chairs furnish the outdoor spaces of the Urbino library.
A place with ancient charm that hosts our Busy chairs and Passepartout tables, which dress this cloister of the university library for European and contemporary literature of Urbino in white.
In 2004 the Carlo and Marise Bo foundation opened the doors of the library to students, which contains 89,000 volumes and 10,000 files collected and donated by Carlo Bo, an Italian literary and political critic, over his long life.
An honor to be able to provide the most suitable spaces to enjoy outdoor reading.
Bibliothèque d’Urbino Carlo et Marise Bo
Des tables Passepartout et des chaises Busy meublent les espaces extérieurs de la bibliothèque d'Urbino.
Un lieu au charme ancien qui accueille nos chaises Busy et nos tables Passepartout, qui habillent de blanc ce cloĂ®tre de la bibliothèque universitaire de littĂ©rature europĂ©enne et contemporaine d’Urbino.
En 2004, la fondation Carlo et Marise Bo a ouvert aux étudiants les portes de la bibliothèque, qui contient 89 000 volumes et 10 000 dossiers collectés et offerts par Carlo Bo, critique littéraire et politique italien, au cours de sa longue vie.
Un honneur de pouvoir proposer les espaces les plus adaptés pour profiter de la lecture en plein air.
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